General News · 24th April 2022
UPDATE - April 24 2:21 pm Well the weather is not cooperating with us for today's planned beach fire... we will move this drop-in event to next Saturday, April 30th instead! Hope it will be sunnyish and hope you will come! The rest of the events will stay the same as written below.
We are looking forward to welcoming Gaelic song and tradition keeper, Sěne McKenna, to the island from April 24th-May 1, 2022. During her stay here, she would like to gather the community together for a beach fire & ceilidh, two singing workshops, and a concert. We'd love to have you join for one or all of these gatherings! Details below. Email for more information.
Monday April 25, 2022
Event: Singing Workshop 1 - Gaelic Blessings
Location: sayɩɬ (Sah yeetl / Gorge Harbour) Gazebo
Time: 10 - 11:30 AM
$20 (pay-what-you-can)
We will learn about the tradition of singing blessings, prayers, and incantations, and practice several that will be performed at the Sacred Song concert on Friday evening. Children are welcome!
Wednesday April 27, 2022
Event: Singing Workshop 2 - Laments
Location: Linnaea Farm Lakeview Room
Time: 10 - 11:30 AM
$20 (pay-what-you-can)
We will learn about Gaelic traditions of keening, lamenting and death care, and practice singing a lament that will be performed at the Sacred Song concert on Friday evening. Children are welcome!
Friday April 29, 2022
Event: Concert - Sacred Songs of the Gaels
Village Commons (white tent behind Mansons Hall and the Cortes Radio)
Time: 4 - 6 PM
$20 (pay-what-you-can)
Bring your own chair or blanket
Sěne will be sharing stories and teachings from the Gaelic Highlands, reciting poetry, and singing laments, prayers, and other songs (some of which will have been taught at the workshops!)
Saturday April 30, 2022
Event: Ceilidh & beach fire
Location: kʷumaχən (Kwoom ahXun / smelt bay)
Time: 5 - 9 PM
Bring musical instruments, songs, stories, and/or poetry you'd like to share, invite your friends!
We are grateful to hold this series on traditional and ancestral territories of the toq qaymɩxʷ (Klahoose), ɬəʔamɛn qaymɩxʷ (Tla’amin), ʔop qaymɩxʷ (Homalco) People.
We are thankful for support from Folk U, Cortes Literacy Now, and Decoda.