WANTED! Homestays
In preparation for the Cortes Island Academy 5-month high school pilot program beginning September 2022, the Campbell River School District is seeking Cortes Island homestay families/individuals to host international (and possible Campbell River) students.
Homestay provides:A welcoming home
Parental supervision
A private bedroom
Wifi connection
Three healthy meals, plus snacks each day
Program provides$900 monthly compensation per student
Extra compensation for quarantine (if applicable)
Training and ongoing support
Team based approach, experience, knowledge and support
Curious? Learn more!Zoom session Wednesday March 2 at 7 p.m.
Email to register: homestaysd72.bc.ca
Apply here: https://www.sd72.bc.ca/studyincampellriver/page/2146/apply-to-be-a-host-familyLearn more about the Cortes Island Academy on the Tideline post or at cortesislandacademy.ca or email infocortesislandacademy.ca