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General News · 21st December 2021
Noah & Izabelle
Thank you to everyone for your prompt RSVP for the Christmas Dinner, Take-Out Style take-2!

We have had so many responses. It’s been astounding and totally heartwarming.

To help with smooth distribution of meals on the 25th, we ask that you come pick up your meal(s) as close to your respective pickup times as possible. The time you chose on your RSVP is the time at which your meal will be ready for pick up from either the GORGE HALL parking lot or the MANSON’S HALL parking lot. (Unless we specifically changed times with you)

The most efficient way to serve everyone effectively is to have you stay in your vehicle and an elf will hand you your meal(s), drive-through style. If you have come on foot, please be respectful of distancing, make yourself known and allow us to gather your meal(s) for you.

If you were wanting to make a cash or cheque donation to the Whaletown Community Club you can do so at this point as well, however donations are by no means required.

As we are two volunteer cooks, about to prepare and deliver a lot of meals in a very short window of time and do so as safely and effectively as possible, your patience and cheerful holiday spirit will be very much appreciated.

We look forward to the day we can get back to sitting down for meals together as a community, in the meantime we certainly feel lucky to be part of so many people’s Christmas celebrations again this year. We hope you all enjoy your Christmas dinner as much as we’ll enjoy feeding everyone!

Season’s Greetings,

🎄Izabelle and Noah🎄