General News · 24th November 2021
Kim & crafters
It's almost time! 16 vendors are coming out with their best wares for your gifting/ shopping pleasure!
Outdoor market at the Gorge Harbour Gazebo (in front of the store) runs 11-3 there will be lots of goodies, popcorn candy, baked treats and hot beverages available for purchase (treats by Shannon)
We will have all kinds of jewlery, wild harvested teas and tinctures, carvings, macrame, tie dye stuff, chocolates, drums and waaaaay more!
We will have a fire going to keep y'all warm, and a few musicians said they would come play, feel free to bring an instrument to jam!
Please bring a foodbank donation, and keep your distance.
We have LOTS of vendors we just need LOTS of people to show up!!