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General News · 23rd November 2021
Our world continues to be in flux, and this past year has again presented incredible challenges here in BC and around the globe. Even during these difficult times, we have to imagine the future that we’d like to see, and that’s why the Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society is joining the hundreds of millions of people who will celebrate #GivingTuesday on November 30th.

In 2012, Giving Tuesday was created through collaboration by several organizations and based on one simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good through generosity. Over the past ten years, the idea has grown into a global movement that inspires people to support each other and their communities by giving, collaborating, and celebrating sharing. Last year, Canadians gave more than $36 million on Giving Tuesday – a 65% increase over 2019 – and FTCCIS raised over $2,000 to continue our important work.

Now, while times are hard, generosity is what brings us together. Generosity makes possible the future we’d like to see and is a fundamental value all of us can act upon. We ask that you join us next Tuesday in the celebration of giving and in the celebration of our forests, our children, and our future.

You can give here to the FTCCIS if you're ready now.

We look forward to seeing you on November 30th for Giving Tuesday as we join with others around the world in giving back to those organizations we hold dear.

With sincere gratitude,

Eric Hargrave on behalf of the FTCCIS Board

“Imagine … a forest in trust to the children!”