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General News · 24th October 2021
Roy L Hales
Under the Cortes tab:

Folk U: Chief Kevin Peacey of the Klahoose Nation

The RCMP returned to Fairy Creek - one of Cortes Radio’s volunteer DJs was among the principle people interviewed.

We Aren't Alone: Rural Islands Connect on FolkU - Manda discusses island experiences and needs with Francine Carlin and Mitch Miyagawa from the Rural Island Economic Partnership.

Quadra ICAN: Building community resilience through practical projects - Cortes Island is mentioned

Ruth Ozeki explores loss, love and our insatiable relationship with things

Newts - a 20 year celebration of Cortes Island’s most celebrated salamander

Beach clean-up in Southern Discovery Islands - clean-up underway on Cortes and Quadra when this interview took place.