MEALS ON WHEELS SURVEYThe survey is to find out if this service would benefit seniors on Cortes Island. You can provide your contact info at the end of the survey or you can stay anonymous. Please respond online
Meals on Wheels Survey. You can also print the survey, attached below, fill it out and return printed copy to Carina Verhoeve, PO Box 9, Whaletown BC V0P 1Z0.
We will appreciate to receive the survey by October 9.OUR CALENDAR FOR OCTOBERVaccination passports are required for most of our activities. If you have troubles getting your digital or paper copy, help is available. Read more below in COVID-19 Update section.
Luncheons All lunches locations, and dates, are TBA (to be announced). CISS members will be notified by email.
• Wednesday, October 6, 12:30 – location TBA
• Wednesday, October 13, 12:30 – location TBA
• Wednesday, October 20, 12:30 – location TBA
• Wednesday, October 27, 12:30 – location TBA
Cortes Island DeathCaring Collective Meeting• Tuesday, October 5, 2 to 3:30 p.m., Hollyhock. Priya Huffman will teach us about the practices and rituals around dying in a Jewish community. More details in a Tideline post. COVID-19 restrictions apply.
Literary AfternoonsLiterary Afternoons will be continued. Carina is working on a covid-friendly format. You will be notified by email.
Walking GroupThe walking group meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 a.m., Manson's Hall parking lot, for 30-min to one-hour walk, followed by coffee, observing COVID-19 restrictions.
Friday Markets• Every Friday, noon to 3 p.m. Manson's Hall
Cortes Island Museum• Main Gallery, 957 Beasley Road - new exhibit Listening to Bees
• Wild Cortes, 1255 Seaford Road - new exhibit The Big Three
Both locations are open Friday and Saturday, noon to 4 p.m. Masks required in both museum's locations.
• Interested in Cortes Island History? Visit the new Online Archives or
SENIORS VILLAGE TRAIL CLARIFICATIONForest paths and trails engender a sense of wellbeing, reduce stress, and invariably make us feel better for having had time walking, running or simply sitting quietly among the trees on our way to someplace, or just being still with no agenda at all.
The existing trail through Rainbow Ridge was forged by the company that last logged those lands. ...
Read more about Seniors Village trail in this
Tideline post.
COVID-19 UPDATEBy order of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), proof of vaccination is required to access some events, services and businesses. You must have at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. By October 24, you must be fully vaccinated. The requirement is in place until 31 January 2022 and could be extended.
More details provided on this government site
If you do not have colour printer or have troubles figuring out the procedure, you can call BC Health at 1-833-838-2323 to get your paper copy mailed to you.
If you would like to print it yourself but do not have a colour printer, Cortes Island Museum can help. Send your card image to or come to the Museum with the required information (Health Card number and date of you last vaccination) during Museum’s open hours, Friday and Saturday, noon to 4 p.m., and Gina will print it for you.
A small donation to the Museum will be gratefully appreciated.
IF YOU MISSED CISS AGM Approximately 26 people attended this August 30 meeting at Manson's Hall, chaired by Carolyn Howson, president, who gave her annual report.
The topic of discussion (both in the Financial and Tenancy Committee reports) most covered and attempted to clarify the current financial situation of CISS including requirements of BC Housing, and how applicants for all 10 cottages will in future need to apply through the Housing manager, Mathew Jakimovicz.
We heard from Carina Verhoeve about the
Seniors Helping Seniors program, and its activities over the past year.
Better at Home program was clarified, and people were encouraged to use it, and to tell others who might benefit from it.
The following 10 directors were re-elected:
Carolyn Howson, Sue Ellingsen, Peter Elliott, Peter Henbury, Elinore Harwood, Brad Betz, Elizabeth Anderson, Arlene Tomkins, Bruce Elllingsen and George Lerchs.
***********************************Your current newsletter is attached below.
Email your comments to Gina at or call Gina250-935-0080.
If you are a CISS member, you should be getting an email with the newsletter every first day of a month.
If you cannot find it in your email box - check your spam or junk folder; if it is not there, inform Gina250-935-0080.
You can read and subscribe to our newsletter-by-email here:
pdf Meals on Wheels Survey