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General News · 10th August 2021
The Cortes Community Housing Society (CHS) is excited to launch our new Trail Initiative.

For the first time, we would be able to walk east and west from Mansons Hall to the Health Centre through the new CCEDA Commercial lot & Rainbow Ridge.
By building a new public trail prior to the construction of housing we ensure continued access even once the old logging road is decommissioned.
Routing trails to circumvent and protect delicate wetlands and wildlife corridors.
For all times, we would be able to walk north and south through the forest from Mansons all the way down to Smelt Bay and back again.
We only need $80,000 to get this project up and running, to lay the ground work, to clear undergrowth, to level pathways, to install culverts, create maps and signs, limb and maintain trees and build some park benches along the way so that we may rest upon our journey.

Please consider contributing towards this new initiative that will benefit all walkers, amblers, and those who prefer to bike through the beauty and quietude of forests.

All donations will receive a 2021 Canadian charitable receipt from the CISS–Housing Committee. You can donate online now by clicking here:

OR send a cheque to: Cortes Island Seniors Society–Housing Committee
PO BOX 27, Mansons Landing, BC, V0P 1K0

American donors can get a US tax deductible receipt via TIDES-US Foundation by designating your donation to the Cortes Community Housing Fund – 2250 via this link:

Whether you have a little or a more substantial amount to give to this ‘Trail Initiative’ please do. Let’s make this a reality and a public legacy for the benefit of all residents and visitors of Cortes Island.

It takes a community to raise a village and a village to forge new pathways and connections.

As always, as ever, with thanks to all,
Sandra Wood, Executive Director
On behalf of Cortes Community Housing Society (CHS)
and the Cortes Island Seniors Society (CISS)