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General News · 20th July 2021
Calling all youth/teens/young adults!

We have 5 Little Library Kits to be put together and painted with your own design. You can apply on your own or ask a friend/parent/neighbour/family and create one as a team.

How does it work?

Send me a note with...
- Your name (s)
- Age (s)
- Why you are interested in this project
- Your design idea

Choose one of the following options:
- Put together the kit (light & easy carpentry, no painting)
- Paint the Little Library (no carpentry :)
- Put the Library together AND paint it.

All materials and tools provided. Turn around time is 2 weeks; we drop it off and you have two weeks to finish the project. Then we will pick them up, install them in 5 locations on the island and fill them with books.

Send a note to

This is a project funded by the MicroGrants for Neighbours program.