Special Presentation "
The Amazing Mason Bees" will start our Annual General Meeting on Sunday, April 25, 2021, 1:30 pm by Zoom
Gordon Cyr kicks off the Museum's Annual General Meeting with an informative talk and slide show about the incredible Mason bee. Find out why these little insects are so important to our food supply and how you can easily create your own home for these pollinators.
We invite the members of the Cortes Island Museum & Archives Society to stay zooming for a short business meeting following the presentation. The agenda, financial statement, year-end report, and other relevant documents can be found on our website:
www.cortesmuseum.ca/annual-general-meeting and here as attachments.
To join our Zoom meeting use this link
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81747976290?pwd=NWVDazJHb2ZzK0VNTERCcVdXb0RRQT09Meeting ID: 817 4797 6290; Passcode: 886938
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As only current members can vote, please ensure you renew your membership prior to April 25 – either through our website
https://cortesmuseum.com/support-us/membership/, via e-transfer to cimastwincomm.ca, or by visiting the Museum this coming weekend.
— Agenda for April 25, 2021, AGM meeting
— Minutes from October 25, 2020, AGM meeting
— 2020 Annual Report
— 2020 Financial Statement
— List of Members Standing for Election in 2021 (pdf file)