Update September 3rd, 2020Case numbers are rising in BC and unfortunately, there have been positive cases recorded in the North Island for the first time in months. We are expecting further increases when students return to school.
The Cortes Health Clinic has remained open since the onset of COVID-19. We have been willing to see patients in person, when medically needed.
From September onwards, we are adopting stricter safety guidelines from VIHA. This is for the safety of our patients and staff members.
We’d like to remind our patients to please phone ahead, when possible. Our door is locked, and in case of an emergency, please knock on the door and someone will help you. If you come in the office, please wear a mask, continue with hand hygiene and keep social distance. We suggest doing the same in enclosed public spaces, such as stores.
If you have symptoms and are concerned, the Cortes Health Clinic will continue offer limited swabbing service, but only for registered patients after phone consultation.
Thank you everyone for your collaboration in keeping our island healthy.
Thanks to the Quadra Island Medical Clinic for inspiring this message.
We’re all in this together!
Cortes Island Health Advisory for Travelers & VisitorsCortes Island is a remote rural community and has very limited health care resources. During the COVID 19 pandemic, the Province of British Columbia and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC have issued guidance and regulations for all primary health care providers.
We continue to offer care to Cortes Island residents, but our capacity to see travelers, visitors and summer residents is
extremely limited.
We will continue to offer care for true emergencies, with the support of volunteer First Responders and the BC Ambulance Service.
ALL patients must be screened by telephone prior to any in person appointments. Please do not show up at the clinic expecting to be seen, without talking to us first.
Remember, please stay safe and be kind.
If you are coming to Cortes, you must come prepared: ● Know the phone number of your primary care provider and call them for all non-emergency care or prescriptions renewals.
● Ensure you bring ALL of your prescription medications with you in sufficient amounts.
● Bring a well-stocked emergency first aid kit and over the counter medications.
● Stay safe and minimize accidents by not participating in high risk activities.
● Before planning or embarking on a journey to any remote community please check and adhere to Provincial Travel Advisories.
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/traveller-information/travel-affected-by-covid-19 ● Ensure that your rental accommodation is using the recommended enhanced cleaning Protocols.
● Follow the Ministry of Health guidelines for social distancing
http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/prevention-risks/physical-distancing and and hand hygiene
http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/prevention-risks/hand-washing● If you are symptomatic, please use the Covid-19 self-assessment tool before travelling at:
https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en Sincerely, Cortes Health Centre Staff and Physicians Please call (250) 935-6718 if you have any health concerns. The nurse or doctor will determine if you need to be seen in person. We are open weekdays from 9am to 4pm, excluding the noon lunch hour and closed on weekends.
Your health and well-being matters to us.