General News · 30th March 2020
Manda Aufochs Gillespie
Need some inspiration? Ready to think about something other than just COVID-19? Let's talk about Resilience! Many on Cortes think about what it would mean for our community to thrive during tough times. Hear from Mark Lombard and Eli McKenty more about what forestry, food, housing, and more might look like on a resilient Cortes community.
With gardening advice after provided by Kate Archibald. And call-ins encouraged by YOU: at 250-935-0200.
We can still be connected, inspired, and supported as a community. And without a computer!
Folk University is coming to the Cortes Community Radio CKTZ 89.5... Same time (1 to 3p.m.) every Friday through the Spring, (started Friday, March 27.)
We will still have neighbours sharing their interests and skills AND there will be a call-in option at (250) 935-0200 for YOU to ask your questions and share your knowledge.
Look for topic details forthcoming.
(And if you can discuss wild harvesting, gardening, etc.. I'm particularly interested in you!)
These airwaves are virus free.... turn the radio on, get your phone handy, extra points if you take it outside and share it with your community (at a 2 meter distance of course).
Folk University: going non-viral