1.*As of March 25, 2020, self-isolation for people arriving in Canada, by land, sea or air, is mandatory under the Quarantine Act. There seems to be some confusion about just what "self-isolation" for 14 days means for people who are returning from international travel (including US). The BC Centre for Disease Contol has a very clear poster, with a good FAQ section, on exactly what this means. It includes extending the self isolation period for 10 days if you develop any respiratory symptoms during the 14 day isolation period. Please share with any folks who are planning to return or have already returned from international travel in the last 14 days.
http://www.bccdc.ca/Health-Info-Site/Documents/Self-isolation_dos_donts.pdf See attached poster below or link above for info and FAQ
Editors notes (1*+2*):
2*.The Post Offices on Cortes are
Public Spaces so please,
don't collect your mail if you are self isolating, get a friend to pick it up and drop it off at your driveway so you can collect it while not coming in contact with anyone.