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Judy's recovery boot
General News · 10th January 2020
Judy Williams
Many, many thanks and our wishes for a Happy 2020.

Bobo Fraser and Judith Williams wish to very heartily thank all the people who helped feed us during Judy’s 3- month (and ongoing booted) recovery from an ankle operation. Their loving care was every bit as meaningful as the delicious meals.

Erica turned up with flowers and shortbread as soon as I got home when I had not had a cookie for 6 weeks.
Thanks to Lisa Gibbons for organizing the Cortes Meal Train and sending food. Colin, Bonnie, Chris and Laura, Mary Claire, Doone and David, Riesa and Gem and Donna delivered easy to plate food. Thanks to Nori for making dinner into a very welcome party with Lisa, Rex, Norm, Isabelle. Clio met a wolf on the way to our house that may have read the meal train thread and thought it was invited.

In Vancouver, Larry and Suzu, Jackie and Mark and Liz helped us after I got out of St. Paul’s hospital. In Victoria my cousin Dorothy, my old friend Maddy and our Smelt Bay neighbours Christina and Paul brought complete meals to the house loaned to us by Myrna’s friend Joyce.
May you receive such kindness when you need it. Judy