Noba Anderson - Regional Dir.
I will post a more complete article about the upcoming 'assent voting' known locally as the referendums, for the proposed hall service and first responder service in a week, but have been getting question about how to vote if you are off-island. So, to that point specifically...
The Voters Guide - the information about the proposed SRD Services and who can and how to vote can be found here., the mail in ballot application is attached to this article and the explanatory text is here below.
Mail Ballot Voting
Available to qualified electors who:
- have a physical disability, illness or injury that affects their ability to vote at another voting opportunity, or
- expect to be absent from the Regional District on general voting day and at the times of all advance voting opportunities, or
- reside on the mainland of B.C. or on any island except for Cortes Island, Quadra Island or Vancouver Island.
Mail ballot applications in the prescribed form will be received by the Chief Election Officer until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, October 18, 2019 and are available online by clicking here, by mail or in person at the SRD office during regular business hours. Mail ballots must be received by the Chief Election Officer before the close of voting on Saturday, October 26, 2019 in order to be counted and included in the voting results.
If you have been provided with a mail ballot you will not be able to obtain another ballot at any voting location.Warmly, Noba Anderson
Regional Director