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General News · 18th September 2019
Here on my property I am listening to a different sound. Not the sound of the herons returning to their nests at dusk nor the wolves howling when the sun goes down or the stellar blue jays fighting over the apples and hazelnuts.
NO, it is a sound of humans - misunderstanding - what nature gives us. LIFE.

I read: “Trees’ services to this planet range from carbon storage and soil conservation to water cycle regulation. They support natural and human food systems and provide homes for countless species – including us, through building materials. Yet we often treat trees as disposable: as something to be harvested for economic gain or as an inconvenience in the way of human development. Since our species began practicing agriculture around 12,000 years ago, we’ve cleared nearly half of the world’s estimated 5.8 trillion trees”

Then when I LOOK on the World Wide Web of the internet I see: Devastating pictures of a burning Amazon at a rate scientists have never seen before.

I HEAR from our very own community forest organization: “There is no date set for the harvest to get under way at CAR1 as the log dump in the Gorge Harbour needs to be rebuilt before the planning for the harvest can move forward. At this point we have no indication of when this work might take place, so for now the plan is to get the road built and give it time to get set up so it can be ready for future use.”

I THINK: Cutting down trees without knowing the future plan/s?

Now, In the back ground : roaring chainsaws – BANG – huge trees impacting the soft forest ground

I can”t escape, this is happening less than 200 feet away from my home and with every “clonk” my heart hurts. This is reality and not corny, this is the world we all live in. There are many talks about climate change and fire prevention. Talking is great but actually being wise enough to just hold on a second, think twice and watch out for the future generations.

Cortes is big in community, big in raising amazing children, big in helping each other and also very big on it’s beautiful nature which I think is actually the future to sustain our home EARTH

Not forgetting how much the nature gives us economically through it’s tourist attraction.

In the back ground: silence for just a moment.
The sun is shining, I can hear the birds.

And it starts again. roaring chainsaws – again BANG – huge trees impacting the soft forest grounds. There is nothing to stop it. There is only the insight of every single mind which can make a difference.
How to respond?
Comment by Mark Braaten on 26th September 2019
Hi Inga.

I am not responding on behalf of the Cortes Community Forest COOP, although my experience with the organization has given me the opportunity to deeply consider what we are doing in the forest .

I sincerely appreciate your values and concern for our forests on Cortes and all over the Earth. It is these same concerns which motivate me to support our community forest.

We have the opportunity to set an example of a better way, aiming at the best way, to respect and protect our ecosystem. We have earned the privilege of practicing ecosystem based management and to develop the definition of what it means to do that.

When we impact a part of the forest such as what is happening so close to your home right now, it is in the context of the entire area in our care. We have succeeded in protecting the most sensitive ecosystems and old growth areas, while practicing a rate of harvest that minimizes impacts to the timber harvesting land base.

Like you, we strive to recognize the value and responsibility of living in this beautiful place. With your support, we can succeed in this aim.

Today @ 501 Coulter Bay
Comment by Claudia Raaen on 19th September 2019
I believe with all my heart and wisdom that the trees are 100% essential to the survival of humans and most other species on our planet. We should be protecting them and treating them like the most precious lifeline we have on this planet. It is so obvious to me. What can we do to stop destroying our home and planet??
re Logging Cortes
Comment by Nancy Beach on 18th September 2019
Thanks for writing, Inga, & for your love of nature!
Since the tree felling was supposed to last 3 days to create the road, I guess it is over now. But, let's attend the upcoming Oct. meeting to help make sure that future logging is done in the most reasonable way. I did appreciate Mark Lombard's answers to some of my questions. But I still haven't received a response to my question, "Who is the acting Registered Professional Forester involved ?".