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General News · 6th September 2019
Janet Turpin
Whew! What a Season! It's Friday -- what will we do tonight without the Gallery??

It was an incredible season; record attendance, fantastic sales, generous donations and simply amazing shows.

A general overall thank you to all those dedicated volunteers who put in the time and effort to keep our community Gallery open and thriving. And a specific thank you to Peter Henbury who did keep the path open by bucking up a tree which blocked the way to the outhouse.

A Very Special Thanks to:

The artists who put on such high end shows for us to attend. Laura Balducci, Iris Steigemann, Risa Salsberg, Gem Salsberg, Glenna Foerster, Hannah Petkau, Francesca Belcourt, Annie Belcourt, Lisa Gibbons, Donna Naven, Amy Robertson, Monika Beal.

The Board who keep the Gallery open and running smoothly during the season and keep it vital, year after year: Carina Verhoeve, Janet Turpin, Kristen Scholfield-Sweet, Lynne Barker, Meinsje Vlaming, Oriane Lee Johnstone.

Richard Trueman for photographing each show and penning wonderful reviews for posting on Tideline and Facebook.

Carol and Richard Trueman for hosting the Gallery every Friday Opening Night throughout the summer.

Doug Brown for supplying special libations for our Friday night openings all season long.

Kathleen Horne for ably managing our Facebook page and special events postings.

And, of course, our supportive Cortes Community who came out every weekend to enjoy local and very accomplished art in our lovely Gallery and to visit with the artists and each other......We wouldn't keep going without your support.