General News · 15th July 2019
Alma Huuskonen
Hello all,
I'm pleased to announce that Jeramie Peacock has graciously stepped up to lead the Cortes Day parade! I am now inviting everyone - resident or visitor, business or nonprofit - to meet at the intersection of Smelt Bay Road and Potlatch Road by 10:30 on Saturday morning to participate in the parade. No registration or confirmation is required, just show up in your festive island finest and join the fun! Decorate your bike, car, truck, or yourself, anything goes. We'll have a big box of Mardi Gras beads there to spice up any costume if anyone desires such a thing.
If you have any questions, please contact Alma at or 935-0235, and if I don't have an answer, I'll pass you along to our intrepid organizer!
See you all at Smelt Bay on July 20th!