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General News · 17th June 2019
Hayley Newell
Close to home, and many more miles to travel...

That is the nature of a long complex project. Some days it feels as if all the stars are in perfect alignment and it is smooth sailing, at other times, the obstacles appear daunting. Still and all, like the little engine that could, the Cortes Community Housing Initiative keeps trucking forward.

After amazing work by our team, unending support from the CISS and the larger community, we have in place, the first steps towards adding four more cabins to the existing Seniors Village to house some of the many seniors on the waiting list. We are hopeful that we might break ground in the autumn.

We are also turning our attention to the greater project of Rainbow Ridge, the 51 parcel of land in downtown Manson’s which will be the site of multigenerational housing, starting with 20 units of affordable year round rental housing.

We are consulting with hydrologists, septic experts, wildlife biologists, architects, and of course our potential funding partner BC Housing. The greatest challenge ahead is their great preference that we own the land outright, free of any loans. That would put us in the strongest position to gain building grants and pre-development grants.

We need to raise $250,000 this summer. This can only happen if we, those of us who love the island and want to see it flourish help in all the ways that we can. To that end:

Every online donation during the month of June automatically enters us to WIN $10,000 from Canada Helps during their Great Canadian Giving Challenge!

Please visit to support this cause.

Please think of generously donating money towards this end at whatever level you can. Those who do not have money to give, please donate your time and be a volunteer, after all, as we all know, it takes a community to raise a village.

Happy Summer!