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General News · 10th June 2019
Noba Anderson
Thank you – really - for your love and support through these strange and intense times.

As most of you know, I was accused of conflict of interest in a Petition to the BC Supreme Court which sought to remove me from elected office. The same Petition, by association, also accused individuals and Cortes not-for-profit organisations of participating with me in this conflict of interest at a community-wide scale.

I have continually maintained that these ill-spirited accusations were baseless, and today Justice Skolrood of the BC Supreme Court agreed. The Court today declared that there was no basis for the declarations of conflict sought by the petitioners, that I did not accept inappropriate gifts connected to my role in office, and that I am indeed qualified to hold that office. This has brought an end to the petition court proceedings, which over the last months has put a strain on me and my family, people at the Regional District and indeed many, many of you. The response to this petition has been costly, both financially and emotionally, and the wider community repercussions of this action have been extensive.

I know that for some of you, no court ruling could convince you of my innocence. All evidence aside, some hold a belief that I am corrupt or out to help my rich friends take over the Island. I can’t do anything about this misapprehension. I am truly doing my very best to serve our collective wellbeing. Time is so precious that my attention needs to turn to the light.

Now that this chapter is over, let me speak plainly from the heart of matters that relate to all of our well-being. Yes, of course there have been sleepless nights, but I have emerged stronger and more resilient for them. Since the fall election, I have been largely sidelined due to these allegations, as has been some Cortes business at the Regional District. However unjust to myself, our common sensibility, and the democratic process, this has given rise to two remarkable unintended situations.

Firstly, for many of you, your indignant response to this absurd situation propelled you to step into the defense of truth and democracy in a whole new way. Not only do I thank you from the depths of my being, but I need you to know that this is exactly what we needed, and indeed what our community will acutely need in the years to come.

Secondly, the quiet has allowed me time to reflect on our community’s future. The undeniable truth is that due to the pending climate crisis, our current lifestyles will not be sustained. We will see a massive societal transformation in the decades to come and it is indeed our love of place and each other that will see us through. Community is the only unit of true resilience.

I seek no retribution against the petition signatories nor their Cortes collaborators as we simply do not have the time, nor is this the energy I want to feed in the world. I spent my childhood with a couple signatories and share a love a place, I trust, with all of you. Revenge is not the way. In the years to come, we will all need each other as never before. All of us!

I pray that all the relevant and helpful truth comes out. We can deal with the truth, whatever it is. It’s the shadow that consumes us. I ask that in times of discontent, we first turn to dialogue rather than to the judicial system. Let us not allow the justice system to be used as a political weapon again. Not here. Instead, let us first look to each other. A community that stops talking gets sick. This is what has happened.

As we move forward, I want us to re-cultivate our places of community dialogue where we can share our perspectives with each other and really listen. We need to support both community-wide discussions that lead swiftly to positive action, as well as inter-organizational planning that strengthens our most local forms of governance; our organisations and cooperatives. I feel surprisingly optimistic about our ability on Cortes for positivity and resilience. Last week’s hall tax meeting was such a testament to this way of being; a way that wilfully chooses proactive gratitude.

I look forward to our future together. There is nowhere else I would rather be.

In awe,
Noba Anderson 250-935-0320

Wonderful News Noba
Comment by Anicca on 12th June 2019
Your photo says it all ! Congratulations and well done Noba. Your letter is superb and is an inspiration to us all to commit to joining together as a community (and the wider community) and work for our common future.
Think Globally and Act Locally !
You do more than your share, Noba, and I thank you.
Comment by Peter Jackel on 11th June 2019
I know that you are strong in many of the ways you need to be, Noba, to be an elected representative in this era of democracy subverting tactics, tactics found in every country in the world and elsewhere in Canada, it seems, not just here on Cortes. I am grateful that you have stayed the course and hope you continue to do so.

I don't agree with all you say or do or think but I applaud the energy you give to your job and to the way you keep us informed, better than any representative I know of in all the years I have followed federal, provincial, and municipal politics. I applaud your ability to see always the big picture while being aware at the same time there are many threads that make up that picture. I applaud your ability to understand the world is always changing and we can't cling to the past because it is gone. I trust your essential decency will help us find a liveable future that contains the best of the past.

No one is perfect and no one can do it all, but you do more than your share. Thank you.
Comment by Nicola N on 11th June 2019
So glad! I left the island 6 years ago. Miss my community. Special. I return for a while to reconnect every Spring, the ties are that strong.. It's TOO BAD this ever happened. Good for you for keeping your cool. Exemplary! Really!
A politician with integrity who looks after her constituents is to be valued and appreciated. Let the naysayers go back to where they came from!
Brava, Noba
Comment by Chris Walker on 11th June 2019
Kudos to Noba for her willingness to forgive and forget.
This would be an excellent time for the petitioners and the proponents of the spurious suggestions of voter fraud to make a short public apology to Noba and her family. I believe this simple act would go a long way to fostering forgiveness in the community at large.
Hopefully they are willing to rise to the occasion.
Comment by Stephen Reid on 11th June 2019
Congratulations Noba. It seemed like the obvious conclusion but you never know. I hope the many people affected are in a better place today. I must admit my curiosity... is this the end of it or can we have a response from the signatories? Have they found the answers they were looking for? Do they still have any questions? As a fairly impartial observer to all of this I would really like to know where the signatories and their members stand. I think they are safe now to fully explain their position now that the court proceedings are concluded. I think the "rest" of us impartial observers, who were caught in the middle, deserve to know the story that must lie behind the story.
No place I would rather be; Hallelujah
Comment by Fawn Baron on 11th June 2019
Thank you for your positive response to this incredibly Foolish action; it was a sad waste of our precious time and resources. May your intention for open dialogue be heard, may we gather together All of us.
Thank you
Comment by Lovena on 11th June 2019
Thanks for writing such a positive and life affirming response to the dark time that has come to pass. Taking the high road is the best response and I am continually impressed by your resilience and kindness Noba. Good work, again.