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General News · 25th November 2018
Hayley Newell
Cortes Community Housing presents Home for the Holiday's: A fundraiser in support of building ‘home'.

As part of our Home for the Holiday's campaign, we invite you to reflect on what home means to you. What images, feelings and memories does home conjure? What was it like to make home on Cortes Island? What is it like to yearn for home?

Share your reflection with us and have it read on the radio. We will be sharing your stories with the community over the next few weeks as our Home for the Holiday's fundraising campaign is underway.

Submit your reflection to

Wishing you a happy holiday season. Stay tuned to CKTZ radio on Wednesday November 28th at 9am for an interview with Sandra Wood and Hayley Newell on the project and this fundraiser, as well as heart-warming stories about home from your friends and neighbours.