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Philautia - Self Love, A steel print for order
General News · 16th June 2018
Richard Trueman
What is Philautia? Loni Rene Taylor, a young and relatively recent resident of Cortes shows us. Referencing the Greek words for the 8 kinds of Love, Loni takes us through a journey by representing each with a painting. The works are bold in colour and movement and powerful in size and imagery.

Loni’s copper Pendants showing activities are a delightful addition to the show. They demonstrate a youthful exuberance and “love of Life”.

Putting on a one person show is a lot of work and Loni and friends did it up fine. Opening night had wonderfull food stuffs and special drinks all tastefully but spectacularly arranged. Kudos Loni!

Loni Rene Taylor is promising to take us on a “Multi Sensory Immersion” June 22nd, 6pm-9pm where there will be poetry music, pillows, and sumptuous goodies.

The remaining schedule is as follows:
June 16th: Open 930am-6pm
June 17th: Open 2pm-6pm
June 22nd: Multi Sensory Immersion 6pm-9pm
June 23rd: Open 2pm-6pm
June 24th: Last Day Open 2pm-6pm
Mania- Chaotic Love
Mania- Chaotic Love
Copper Pendants
Copper Pendants
Food Arrangement
Food Arrangement
Loni (Right) and Friends
Loni (Right) and Friends