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General News · 30th December 2014
If numbers are any indication, the dinner was a roaring success. 120 forks, 130 seats & 140 to 150 people eating. My apologies to the last few through the food line. We ran out of Turkey. First time ever. In the past we have had leftovers. We consumed 60 lbs of Turkey & 20 lbs of salmon along with the other stuff.
Thanks to Doug of Good Libations, Bill & Tammy the Gorge Resort, Eric the Coop, Obyrne Squirrel Cove, Bertha Cortes Market, The Coast Community Credit Union, and Thrifty's Foods. Gabriel and the WCC for their support both practically and financially. Also the anonoumous donors who responded to the plea for financial help.
The worker bees; Holly-Anne, Kathleen, Joanne and Gary, Jenn, De, Peter J., Sherman and friends for fire wood, Silvana and Chesca, Lella and Mark.
The break down of the hall went smoothly thanks to Mike's appreciation of Huberts' systems. To all who washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen, special mention of Lliam and Owyn who, to Fawn's eternal and maternal delight, stayed at the sink for an extraordinary long shift!
Let's do it again next year.